Opening soon

Greet you


Write to us at if you want to arrange an interview or want our press dossier.

Contact us

+351 927 909 366

Rua da Restauraçao, 101. Porto

How to arrive from the airport

If you land at SA CARNEIRO AIRPORT, the easiest way is to take a taxi or an Uber, the trip will cost a maximum of €25.00. Check the meter, with the specific night or weekend flag drop, and don’t accept a flat rate from the airport. Depending on traffic, the trip will take between 20 and 30 minutes.

The nearest station is Casa da Música, where you can take the BUS 403 to Museu do Carro Eléctrico, and from there a 5-minute walk. Or to the City Center and take a taxi or the BUS ( 600 or 900).

BUS 601 (from the airport, to the Palacio stop) and from there we are a 15-minute walk away.

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If you arrive to Porto by train

From the CAMPANHÃ station we recommend that you take a Taxi or an Uber which will cost you around €10.00 in light traffic. Check the meter, with the specific flag drop at night or weekend, and do not accept a flat rate.

You can also take a train to the city center station: São Bento and take a Bus (500) to the “Museu do carro electrico” stop, from where we are a 5-minute walk away.
